August Newsletter

Kyffin Library News - August Edition

The Kyffin Library had a very busy summer. Thanks to an amazing group of volunteers, the library got a new coat of paint and it looks amazing!  We had so many people come in, we actually finished ahead of schedule!

The new improved story time area of the Kyffin LMC!

A special thanks goes out to all our volunteers:

Bengston Family
Lisa Boehm
Mary Fuller
Rebecca Gomez
Lucy Grylicki
Katie Hageman
Jeff Jaco
Gina & Katie Kelble
Susan Kelly
Jen & James Lambourne
Giulia Luebben
Henry McKinney
Penni Smith
Brad & Amy Swanson
Tracy, Nathan & Jack Swanson
Patti Vitari
Weisrock Family
Nicholas Wisniewski

If I’ve forgotten anyone, I apologize! Thank you all again for your support in helping us give the library a make over!

In other library news, we have several new books in our collection, including all of the books nominated for the Colorado Children’s Book Awards for 2016.  Books are nominated by schools and librarians across Colorado, then students have a year to read them and then they are able to vote on the winners.  There are two categories of awards: Junior Books and Picture Books.  This year, we are encouraging students to read all the nominated books in either of the categories so that they can vote.  More information will come out later on in the year about voting.
If you are interested in volunteering in the library, please contact Mrs. Covington. Library volunteers have a variety of responsibilities including shelving books, checking in books and helping with check out.