11 Birthdays

11 Birthdays
by Wendy Mass

Review #1 - Reviewed by: Sage, 5th Grade

Rating: 4 of 5 stars (better than most books)

Summary: Amanda's eleventh birthday is coming up and it isn't going well.  Her ex-friend Leo is also turning eleven.  Amanda begins to relive her eleventh birthday and then she has to find Leo and fix it.

Review: I enjoyed this book because it was very humorous and touching.  I recommend this book to anyone who likes humor or who is having friend troubles.

Review #2 - Reviewed by: Lucy, 5th Grade

Rating: 4 of 5 stars (better than most books)

Summary: This is about two kids who have known each other since they were born and are in a huge fight.  On their birthday something odd happens and they have to work together to get rid of the odd thing.

Review: This book was enjoyable because there were a lot of surprises and sometimes it was funny. I think someone who likes surprises would like this book.

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