11 Birthdays

11 Birthdays
by Wendy Mass

Review #1 - Talisa, Grade 5

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars - It's hard to imagine a better book!

Summary: Amanda is turning 11 and wakes up to a day of surprises. But her birthday repeats, over and over. She needs to mend her friendship with Leo, until its too late.

Review: Wendy Mass is a awesome writer! "11 birthdays" is a story filled with friendships and surprises. Anyone from 4th-7th would enjoy this book.

Review #2 - Colette, Grade 5

Rating: 3 Stars - This book is readable, but not fantastic.

Summary: 11 birthdays is about a girl named Amanda who is and she keeps repeating her B-day over and over again see what happened next.

Review: It was kind of interesting. It caught my attention a lot and there was a lot of mystery and It caught my attention.

Review #3 - Kasey, Grade 5

Rating: 5 of Stars - It's hard to imagine a better book!

Summary: 11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass is about a boy and a girl who share a birthday but it keeps repeating.

Review: this book was amazing because Wendy Mass used so much good wording that it took you to another world.

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